Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Waking up to Japan!

Thursday Sept.14th.... I had about 8 hours of sleep. My stomach was still hurting a bit. I lay awak a couple of hours and eventually got up @ 1130am. Miki had gone to work and Mrs. Kobayashi made me breakfast. I ate with Miki's parents, then cleaned up and did some reading. Prayed a lot that morning. Something felt wrong with me. I was feeling ARGH! Homesick! I felt like a big baby! I was waiting for my sense of adventure to kick in, yet I was feeling old, set in my ways, and just missing people. Missed my phone, email, (made me realize my addictions quickly!). Also, people in Vancouver made it really difficult to leave with their outpouring of love for me. This was certainly an interesting beginning to my trip.

There is this feeling of helplessness that hits me. I felt bad that my host has to worry about me while at work. I wondered if this feeling would change later in my trip during Japan, or China, or Korea. I thought of my worries the night before and how brave the internationals are in travelling to foreign countries for education. Very interesting! I had a whole new appreciation for my international friends who had come to Vancouver. *sigh*! I missed Vancouver. Yet, this homesick feeling I sometimes felt at home in Vancouver. The only thing I could think of was this was a longing to be in the house of the Lord!

Later, Miki comes home and I get a chance to check my email. Wooo Hooo! One addiction satisfied! We sat and chatted for a bit, then we were off to downtown Tokyo to meet with Akiko. My first train ride from Tokorozawa. The station I love the most, especially to pronounce is... "Takodanobaba"! I love saying it! Try it!

The thing that kept coming out of my mouth repeatdly was "wow, Wow, WOW!". I think Miki was quite amused!

Miki dropped me with Akiko in Roppongi. Akiko showed me around the "hillside" of Roppongi. There were lots of foreigners here. Fancy shops, huge business buildings and lots of "Bling!". I wore my track pants and sandals in these fancy, upscale stores and their service to me is incredible! Great service!

Then I realize... I'm a total City Girl! I felt really comfortable in the downtown area. The amazing thing is that Tokyo has several downtowns. There are about 6 main downtowns and several smaller ones.

Akiko then treated me to a great dinner. My first Izakaya. Oh my goodness! Yum! Oh-ishee!! Deee-licious! Very tastey and great with plum wine.

After dinner she took me to her work place. She had to endure 7 interviews for this job with an american company. We went up to the 48th floor of this building and the sight was amazing looking over the different downtowns of Tokyo. Spectacular!

The number of staff on just that floor was amazingly huge! I was in shock when Akiko took me around that floor to discover that this one floor of the building had it's own Starbucks! Incredible!!

We then headed back to meet Miki in Shinjuku (another downtown area). Then Miki and I went home. I took a shower and hit my bed hard!


Blogger enitsuj said...

those are cool city night shots! you should add a "C" for "city" to your nickname so you are BCCG :) missing home is not necessarily a bad thing -- at least you have a sense of home and longing for it b/c you have a positive concept of "home". i was talking with a friend who is doing a seminar on "finding home" and there will be people there who were born into street life or other difficult backgrounds...

November 20, 2006 at 5:12:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weird thing is.... I'm currently homesick for Asia!! I have more than one home! I won't be happy until all the people I love are in one place, which will be never. That would be the one place I can call home!

November 20, 2006 at 9:33:00 PM PST  
Blogger enitsuj said...

a future home far far in the future will hopefully come close....

November 26, 2006 at 1:30:00 AM PST  

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