Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Big Bugs, Gardening, and Friends!

Friday Sept.15th...I woke @ 430am and took a gravol and went back to sleep @ 6am. My sleep patterns hadn't adjusted yet. Eventually @ 1030am. I got up and hung out with Miki at home. I had a very lazy day and stayed in my pajamas all afternoon. Mrs. Kobayashi is a very busy lady. She also had the day off. She did some gardening. I went to take pictures of her gardening when I saw a huge Praying Mantis. As I was taking a photo of it, I was attacked by several mosquitos who apparently liked Canadian blood. Miki was swatting at them and thus, was swatting me!! Interesting bugs in Japan!

Later, Miki and I made rice crispy squares. They like it. I hung out at the kitchen table with Mrs. K and Miki. Mr. and Mrs. K were going swimming later that day and she had planned to make me a traditional Japanese dinner. However, Miki and I had plans for dinner already.

Miki and I went downtown to Shinjuku to meet Shino, Humi, Kanako, and Lydia for dinner. We went to Izakaya for dinner. Kanako and Humi were there already waiting for us. Shino was late because she gets off work late. The girls treated Lydia and I for dinner. I was very touched. Because it was Friday night, we were only allowed to stay for 2 hours. We left and continued the evening having tea nearby. Shino had brought a polaroid camera and we had fun taking pictures. I felt like a princess! So much loving attention!

Lydia came home with Miki and I. We crashed at around 1am or so.


Blogger enitsuj said...

Welcome to the world of blogging Rach! I'm quite impressed with the amount of detail since you are writing retroactively. Did you know you can change the dates of your posts to reflect the actual dates of events you are describing! I've added you to my links off my blog...Don't be a stranger and post a comment on others' blogs too :)

November 17, 2006 at 3:08:00 AM PST  

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